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Diverticulitis diet during attack -

21-12-2016 à 15:46:47
Diverticulitis diet during attack
I had a complete hysterectomy and lost 54 lbs overnight. 2012: I had my 6th treatment on Oct. I will say that God gives me the strength to handle this, everyday, as I need it. I wish the best for all patients and families and friends that have to go through the pain I did if not more. At that Imelda they made incision on neck to check lymph nodes for cancer, all clear before surgery. Facing the facts is so much better than living with fear of the unknown. C. I just had a check-up Jan 23rd and was given a clean bill of health again for which I am thankful for. Barnes the day before surgery to plan strategies. Karan was at the mall with her daughter when she got the call from Dr. She was operated TABSO last August 2004 and start a six session chemotheraphy last September 2004 and ended January 2005. Finally in November of 2008, her surgical team and oncologist tell her that her treatments were no longer working and that she had only a short while to live. They would admit her then the regular doctors would come and to say the bowel obstruction was open. Walking helps a lot. I joined a support group and those ladies were my sisters. The nurse said I could have a urinary tract infection. As we sat there wondering why this had happened and what we were going to tell her thousands of things ran through our minds. s. I shared this information with my genetic counselor. Dr. In March 2006, after months of severe fatigue, I developed flu like symptoms and a wheezing in my lungs. One day I got a call from the office that my pap smear showed pre-cancer cells. A poem, even though people that write poems seem to bore me. I was tired but I thought it was because of me being old. But shortly after that she stopped eating and got very weak. there is just too much money to give it up. I just had surgery on the 4 and it was much more extensive than they thought. Which by the way did help me feel better. When I was 18 I came down with what I thought was the worst flu of my life. The doctor called me in that afternoon and we discussed surgery. Went camping in JUNE. I did not have the heart to tell Karan when she arrived from the recovery room. The first six cycles of chemotherapy shown a 100% cure but the disease re-appeared and grown up very fast. On seeing the gynecologist, he booked me into the hospital for a hysterectomy the following week. If anyone can give any helpful advice on other treatments for my mother, I would be so grateful. At ER did scan and blood test was told not cancer see Family Dr on Monday gave me shot of demoral let me go, but told me to see surgeon. 19 minutes to sweep it up. Since remission, my hair has grown back (curly all of the sudden). it would be greatfully received and MUCH appreciated. She is still well but in a couple of weeks will again start another round of chemo. Track season ended and soon I felt myself gaining weight- I thought, since my activity level had decreased. I finished chemo in February 2007 and am currently cancer free with a normal CA-125. I was shocked when they told me my Mom had Ovarian cancer and it had spread to the abdominal cavity, lymph nodes, small bowel and colon. She found out she has stage 4 ovarian cancer. After four treatments of chemo I was booked in for an operation to remove the shrunken tumors. I had 2 ultrasounds because my doctor was stuck on me being a big candidate for gallbladder trouble. Continuing radiation therapy but will begin Doxil today. At this point she had a new set of docs and the general surgeon invited a GYN oncologist into the operating room. My stomach had been the size of a pregnant woman in her 9th month all of April. At the same time, my youngest daughter (one of twins) needed leg and spinal surgery. However I really seem to be having a hard time now dealing with things. I may have to get a hearing aid, which depressed me considerably last fall. Within are many unanswered questions, maybe to be answered, and maybe not. He told me to call him back and let him know the next week what she wanted to do. My entire abdominal region was so swollen that I looked pregant with twins. After her stroke, the docs told her she had recovered very well and was doing good. The ca 125 level had come down from the 1200 range to around 140. My parents live in Atlanta and there were prayer chains from Georgia to Alaska. To accept what this doctor had said and be done. We can only put this into gods hands and wait for his will to be done. He sends me to a OBGYN to confirm, it is a mass. Last weekend had severe constipation unrelieved, then went to ER. Hours after her scan the Dr. Taxol and Carboplatin again but this time once a week for three weeks and then one week off, for six months. They returned after about fourty minutes with huge smiles. Intestinal obstruction underwent surgery on thursday, June 1st. I went to pray that night at a prayer service at church. Have to be honest in lots of pain from the meds, but expected that. There are so many people now that are starting to live with cancer and though it is rough, new treatments come out all the time and are making things better. I started keeping notes of my irregular bleeding and presented them to my Gyn during a routine office visit. Mrs. were great. This has been over a year ago now. I had an abdominal debulking and adhesions removed from my small bowels. My brothers and sisters have asked that we move to Fargo be closer to them, so that if we need any help they will be there for us. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share part of my story. She struggled to get examined by her neurologist who finally changed her meds over the phone. I am very afraid of what the reults will be. After having a diagnosis of ovarian cancer - does anyone take Premarin - if so, how is it working for you. Now they have a baby, 7 months, and I feel so lucky I am here to see him. In my heart I knew that God was right by my side. Something in me made me act like I was going to be out of work for a long time, longer than the four weeks. When I was nine years old I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Upon going to the hopital, she was still nauseated and feeling extremely bad. Very little nausea. Women, realize that if you have indications of Lynch Syndrome, do not let your gynecologist tell you increasing pain and clotting is perimenopause. Is there anyone out there who has now or in the past had this very rare type of borderline tumour and more importantly how they have coped and what their treatment and prognosis is - thanks x. She passed away on her vacation week that she was going to come and see me. They are always there for their children and their grandchildren. Within a week my fatigue was gone, and along with it the fear of the cancer coming back. Since early June I had been feeling a sense of heaviness in my pelvic area. I also wanted to say the vitamins and infusions definatly helped with her energy level. D: (word games) I Am No Thing. So in two days she is going for another biopsy. By early February in 2006 her stomach started getting bigger and very hard. A date for surgery was set, and my mom put her hands in God hands. For three months, I bled heavily, with clots. I was her favorite grandchild and she loved me very very much. My oncologist and surgeon removed my omentum, both ovaries and fallopian tubes. My mother was the strongest person I had known, so there was no way that she could suffer from this disease. I received my first chemo in the hospital and 5 more after that. There is a rare variation of HNPCC that indicates a risk for brain cancer in addition to the laundry list that comes with HNPCC. And that was the last time I had to have it tapped. salpingoopherectoy if my ovaries looked bad. When my right side started hurting he checked my appendix. From the information that we have now, she shows no cancer in the organs but her stomach keeps filling up with fluid. I am the one who wrote about Stachybotrys in my building. The worst problem I had with the chemo were very low counts (especially white). I was out of town and was just utterly blown away at the news. 20 smaller ones covering my whole groin. She sent me to have a virtual colonoscopy, and when the results came back it said I was OK, on reading the results I felt there was something wrong as they mentioned a tubal ligation and I had never had one. A week before I had told her that I dreaded that moment when she would leave for the last time. But the doctors told me that I am at 2c and that it is curable. There is residual fall-out from the hysterectomy, unfortunately. Edward levine in N. I always come back to this website I want survival stories from all you brave, courageous and inspiring women. I began a Stage II Clinical Trial (Make sure everything is okay with your insurance company) on July 27. When you express this to another person, the gesture also has a big effect on you. (Talk about uncomfortable. a notch or a natural step in life. So I try to find everything and anything out about ovca and its course of tx. I have been told I can start taking Tamoxifen. After tests to see if I was having internal bleeding, because I was taking blood thinners due to blood clots in my lungs and one in my right leg. Did her debulking and chemo treatments until she died at age 64. it is genetic. At this moment I will not have menstrual and I was told to leave one ovary for estrogen because of my age. I think you just have to keep going and hope for the best. She called the family doc and they had no openings but my dad had an appointment so I went in his spot. For anyone facing this disease, whether you are the patient or someone close to the patient. In 2006 at age 60, I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and it was found in a very late stage due to no symtoms. I started chemo the next week. The cancer count began to drop from the hundreds to double digit numbers. Anyways, she was still in the fighting frame of mind. Mom was to start chemo right away however, she got MRSA in the hospital and that set her back 3 months. I highly recommend getting a tattoo on a bald head. She was a blessing in my life and I thank God for such an incredible mom. It turned out to be an intestinal blockage that I needed surgery for. The left side throbs about 4 times as bad as the right. This past year has been extremely difficult to say the least. I developed acne, sores in my mouth, severe pain in my legs and thighs, and constipation. These five spots are especially contaminated and should be avoided if possible. I called the hospital and they thought that I was constipated too. When I got to the ER they did a CT and they have me my breathing treatment and an injection for pain. 03. Without a word to anyone, I left work and went to the hospital. I would spend the first day of every cycle lying in bed with a heating pad on my stomach and making frequent trips to the bathroom to throw up. God bless. In April of 2007 we took a trip to Disney World. Before the infection was completely gone she started throwing up all the time and it was fecal matter. This has been so shocking and hard to understand. Because I was 23 the youngest they have ever seen they were going to use me as a case study, I guess this meant to them not doing anything about my cancer that the doctor left in me. His stomach had been bloated for a long time and tight. give me the results that there are 4 different spots that are malignant on the scan and wants to send me to the oncologist who says he will see me during his lumch break that day. a. She was at peace in her gardens and loved to cook. From weeks of crying, I looked awful and many around me were worried for my health. She started Chemo, Cisplatin only in October then after two chemos they added Carbo. June 29, 2012: It has been one month today that I went to the walk-in clinic. She also started having night sweats, hair loss, and lost weight. While those surrounding her were crying she would firmly tell us that everything would be okay. My oncologist told me yesterday that the only thing they advise survivors to take is calcium with Vitamin D. I was sad that my mom died but I was happy I had her for so many good years. , to control my irregular bleeding. She is now on oxygen, has a drainage bag for for the ascities, and is taking morphine to ease the pain. Neither she nor the GYN Oncologist I saw thought it was cancer but I was scheduled for a hysterectomy Oct. We thought all we had left to do was deal with an extreme handicap the cancer was no longer a problem. Being a huge cheese and ice cream fan, I looked into being lactose intolerant and I discovered that it can develop as a person ages. I like to put my story out there so that women can see me and how healthy I am. That was the first diagnosis. She has tremendous bloating in her abdomen and now has to puree all of the food she eats. Subsequently had a further operation to remove the serous and clear cell 2 cm cancer and omentum. I was bleeding for 10 and 15 days at a time, with it stopping for maybe 3-5 days in between. By the time my family doctor called me I was a mess. It COMPLETELY changed my mental state and enabled me to function through the ordeal. The only choices were watch and wait or get a lapriscopy remove the blurry ovary and possibly a full hysterectomy. It was then determined that not only did I have borderline cells, but malignant cancer as well and I had to wait a week for the final pathology reports back. My grandma seemed to be doing well, so the decision was made to get her out of bed. Like the fighter she is, she survived with just a few minor drawbacks. A decade of intimate involvement with ovarian cancer women, their caregivers and communities, has most often elicited truisms that stand out. Three years to almost the day I had my first recurrence (2004). I take my body to the docs, docs tell me what is wrong (sometimes) then they will not give me any further treatment and to make matters worse they are mean and careless. When I woke up the Cancer Doctor was there and explained that I had stage 3 ovarian cancer. I just want to write that I am so scared. I had my stomach tapped the week after I got home. I love this world, yet shall I love to go. And I was privileged to be there for all of it. Wondering why on earth I agreed to stop taking bc pills - the problems began nearly a month after I stopped taking them (to see if I really was premenopausal). The carboplatin I have had before, 17 years ago, but the taxol is new and it can cause an allergic reaction within the 1st 15 minutes of getting it if a person were to have one, so they have to watch me for the 1st 15 minutes once they give it to me. After 18th cycle of chemotherapy between 23 Sep 07 to 25 Sep 07, she died on 01 Oct 07. They started me on chemo for 3 months before going in for surgery. We find it difficult to see her so fatigued and in pain. I was told I would need chemo and would lose my hair. was scheduled for Monday. We assumed that she had probably over done it with some drilling into ceramic tile in the bathroom. Britt loved her many friends, and was always ready to go out to eat, to the lake, or to the beach. They found cancer and by the way they said it- there seemed to be a lot of it. did a CA-125 every 3 weeks and during that time it went up a little bit 2 times but went down little by little every other time. December she was set to fly out to see them. Another nurse appeared and told me to drink this fluid for the test. One day, I sat down and felt around my stomach. I cared and I was so scared, but the amount of pain I was in was over-riding those fears. After a fourteen-month battle with Ovarian Cancer stage 3c, she ran the race, she fought a good fight, and now a crown of rightousness is stored for her. I went to the doctor on multiple occasions due to bloating and pain in my abdomen. cute note I never lost one strand of hair:) during chemo, Dr and nurses were amazed. So now I kind of irritated a little, moody and sometimes feeling down. as she was on maternity leave and all other drs. The dr. She buried her grandmothers, father and husband and best friend who all had one form of cancer. We did get one round of chemo in but that was all. My lifeline, time took before I could say, it was okay. In mean time my family Dr was given ER report so had me go to hospital to have stomach drained on weds. Within a week, I could barely walk since my lungs filled up with fluid. I thank God everyday for not letting her suffer and giving us the years he had. I finished my last treatment just over six months ago and feeling much better. However, I took care of everyone else before I took care of myself. We will never understand why such a wonderful woman had to experience something so difficult and tragic, but we will hold our memories close and continue to speak out against such a horrible disease. Ball did biopsies from all around her chest cavity while he was in there and they all came back negative. I made an appointment to see him last week. On ringing the Gynecologist I was told the tumor was malignant and to come in and see him a few days later. The oncologist gynecologist surgeon who did the operation could not find any further cancer and was quite hopeful. Upon my visit to the OBGYN doctor, I asked for his personal opinion. Now I have been in remmission for 10 months and now I have a scare as my CA125 has gone up from 12 to 320 and i have some symptoms, constipation, blotted stomach and pain. My doctors still rave about my history and I will have a very close watch on my health for the rest of my life. Following the surgery she had to wear a colostomy because of the damage caused to her colon. So, luckily for our family (my brother and I specifically), my Mom is a fighter. I knew my chances were not very high even though my family or the doctor never came out and said it to me. B: I once read that ovarian is the most complicated cancer, so I figure that I (and the rest of us) must be really special. I feel that having a positive attitude, doing what they tell you to do, making yourself get up and get going as much as you can do really helps. I think she really stopped eating in July. , but was told that it was typical for someone my age (50) and signaled the start of menopause. Frequently we would find her in the kitchen cooking. I mentioned to her that I had a lot of pain in my left side and was having gastrointestinal problems. I was going to get an ultra sound done later that morning on the 10th. I am very much aware of how lucky I am to be here, so I am not angry anymore. Anyway, my Pap test came back fine as did the mamogram. He also found a polyp on the inside of my cervix, that was hanging out through the cervix It later tested positive for cancer. Because she was in bed for four weeks with no movement whatsoever, she had to undergo physical therapy while in bed which was very painful as she was experiencing horrible muscle pain. Once arriving at the hospital, I had an ultrasound performed. 1 week after thanksgiving 2005. Her CA125 tests was high and they scheduled a surgery to explore what was going on. I was tired but never really felt stressed out, so I went to another GP, a lady this time. Blood work is fine and treatment is scheduled for July 5, 2012. I was diagnosed with endometrial polyps and a thick endometrial lining (hyperplasia). I mention to my doctor that my stomach seemed to be getting larger. It is hard to watch someone you love so much suffer. and I always woke up with my whole back slightly aching. The colostomy reversal also went fine and for the first time in nine months she feels great and has no scheduled surgeries or treatments in the near future. Currently mom wants to exhaust all the chemical options before Surgery. He then acted quite fast, a referral went to the gynaecologist at our local hospital and another referral to the radiology department asking for a CT scan. Again I went to my doctor and she thought I must be having anxiety or stress and suggested an anti-depressant and to rest up over Christmas vacation. In Feb of 2012 had hernia repair screws and mesh from above grin to rib cage. If I had not had that fall I may still not know that I had a dangerous cancer growing. My sister had ovarian cancer for a year before she was diagnosed with Stage III, she had surgery with lots of lymph nodes and the tumor the size of a softball removed. She is still fighting but her courage and strength are waning. Everyone thinks that I am just being paranoid because of the hereditery issues with ovarian cancer. Since diagnosis, I have changed to a very healthy diet - no meat, salt, sugar, bad fat, caffeine, alcohol. After I arrived they started prepping me for surgery. My sister Colleen has moved into my parents house with her husband and two of their three daughters. There was little doctors could do because the cancer had remained hidden for years inside her ovaries. WOW I knew that was coming but it hit me hard anyway. Everything more or less started from there, a week later I had an appointment with Radiology, blood test (CA-125), and a couple of days later I had an appointment to see the Gynaecologist. Biking. The pain did not resolve, so finally I had an MRI done, which revealed an. In July 2009 my father was diagnosed with brain cancer. We sat in that room in dead silence for what seemed like forever before he walked in. All that my gny-obs did was have my blood checked for HCG hormones and that was 3 weeks ago- she said the results were not back yet. Again six cycles of chemotherapy were administered on her with radiotherapy for 21 days and the result was the same. 5 days later I got out. So I cleaned her up and gave her pain meds. We went to her primary care, neurologists, and a oncologist (Dr. they are so special. The original cancer had metastasized over the last two years. Our daughter teaches at Texas Wesleyan University in Burleson, TX. I also started noticing an odor in my nose and this led me to an ear, nose and throat doctor. She was put on tpn for nutritional supplementation. Mom was healthy all her life (no colds, ate healthy, dressed appropriately in various seasons to not get sick, etc. I can have further chemotherapy but do not know which one to use. I have just begun the genetic counseling process. She is a fighter and was determined to go home. So 2 weeks after my first surgery, I was admitted to the hospital. Unfortunately, I had a grade 3 tumor which would have made further treatment necessary even at stage 1. The chemo had not stopped my Pleural Effusions and I had to have two surgeries in December 2006 to seal the lungs. They told her that nothing was wrong and to relax. She was worried and I became very nervous. Tough woman but God called her home and I am thankful that my faith lets me know I will see her again someday. I had almost no symptoms except for some occassional bloating and gas starting around September 2004. She lived for a few more hours in the hospital then passed away. The neuropathy has dissipated some, but not enough. We stay in touch weekly and are both very thankful. I was stunned to find that during my chemo, I was able to function fairly well. A man wouldnt think twice if his penis didnt feel right to get to the bottom of his problem but most women consider being passive a feminine response to their problems. I am currently celebrating 2 years cancer free. C. From the moment she found out, she lost the will to live. but I have learned to be patient and do what I can and rest when I need to rest. All I can come up with is continue to make people smile through my strengh and to ask the medical profession to work on ultrasounds for women before it is too late. So far the blood tests say I am cancer-free although before I was diagnosed, the blood tests also said I was cancer-free. Not knowing for sure he orders another ultrasound after I completed my next menstrual cycle. My husband held me and explained to me that he wanted me to have the surgery as our other two children needed a mommy. It took me three days to accept the facts and three seconds to know I could do nothing about it but God could, so I have left it in His hands ever since and am still here in March 2013. Trying to build up your immune system naturally. We are advice to have another chemotheraphy same as the first one the soonest possible. I talked to my brother David and my Mom, and I was so scared but I finally decided to do it. I have endometriosis and have undergone fertility treatments. During her battle, Patti always kept her wit and positive attitude. Due to all of the extra fluid on her abdomen and chest caused by the massive tumors, the decision was made to do emergency surgery to remove to two large masses attached to her intestines. The pain was becoming unbearable and in the night I thought of going to the Emergency but my daughter was sleeping so I convinced myself that it would pass. July, 2005: CA125 climbed to 300, ultrasound detected a tumor, though CT was clean. I am a breast cancer survivor of 3 years. This is done also after what they call debulking( removal of tumors) The Dr has to be careful not to spill any blood because in the blood are these cancer cells that if any uneffected part of your body is touched by the blood a tumor will grow. I peed again and the urine was the color of cranberry juice. I LOVE MY DOC, however, she is super smart and the BOMB. I send my good thoughts and vibes to all out there who are fighting this fight. Starting with my generation we will be proactive about our healthcare and no one else will be lost to cancer. The cancer had spread while she was on doxil. They took her off chemo in November and got her ready for debulking surgery. The above should have gone between being sent to San Angelo and In June. 625mg and also use the Premarin vaginal creme. I am having vague abdominal pains(dull aches mostly)bloating, and constipated. Then to look at, next thing I know, an er doc comes in and says on the neuro doc thinks it is my sinus. They removed her appendix, gall bladder, ovaries and the remainder of her uterus and performed a colostomy because the tumor had attached to the colon. I leave it up to the good Lord, release your burdens to Him and He will handle it all for you as He is doing for me. My mother is the fighter I hope to one day be. I am now on relapse 3, but have enjoyed nearly 8 years of family happiness and closeness. Now most people complain about how slow the NHS is. To sleep, I had to lay on my side and stuff pillows under my stomach for support. All her motor skills were shot even swallowing. She had tried alternative treatment and still does. Now, it is July and I am going for my second look procedure tomorrow, which will remove my remaining ovary and attempt to leave my uterus to again perserve the chance of bearing children. Something made me take this thing seriously before I even knew what it was. By the next morning she was sitting up talking with us the best she could. I flew back home the following day and was taken directly from the airport to the hospital. After a cat scan showed gall stones the surgeon scheduled her for laparoscopic surgery the next day to remove her gallbladder. Off we went to the local cancer center. When visiting the oncologist he found a lump on my groin and diagnosed me with stage IV ovarian cancer. I underwent surgery and found that my cancer was contained inside a cyst. I offered to go home and take some bowel cleaning agent to see if this would help relieve the pain. After starting it, she only got sicker and it seemed that the chemo was only contributing to that instead of making her better. I remember telling her. I saw my doctor over aperopd on months and finally he suggested I get a c-scan. after 3 cycles of chemo). Biopsy results showed that it was malignant, stage I, grade one, ovarian cancer. She was now officially a very advanced stage IV. I had 6 months of the sisplatin and taxol chemo. She has now tested for Genetics. This cancer is basically the same as Ovarian and it is treated the same way. I would like to know things to expect and also someone to relate to. Again six cycles of chemotherapy were administered and transplantation of chemo pot was also done as the nerves of my wife grew weaker. In April 2005, my husband had to go in the hospital for he almost had his third heart attack. I wish everyone the best of luck wether you have cancer or a loved one. I see you have used part of my story on your web site. Noah Goldman) who is no longer there, told her she needed surgery for debaulking immediately. However, my first opinion surgeon seemed to me to be jumping the gun. Two years ago, I had a cold and coughed quite hard and pain went through my body like a knife. My PET scan of July 1, 2010 show an enlarged lymph node compatible with recurrent neoplastic disease. I did not go with one the first time, but I will never go without one ever again. I lost my mother to liver cancer 5 years ago. I too have the Polycystic Kidneys, and some symptoms are similar, makes it tougher. She continued with her work in the garden and feeding her precious birds. For the next 6 months I kept going back to the Dr with the same pain they did numerous CT scans different test any thing you can think of and found nothing. I have to have tests every 2 months for blood count, I have my first pet scan in January and will have another one in June. I got an appoinment quickly, even got to see a female doc. Thankfully, God heard my prayers and three months later, in 1976, I had a healthy, beautiful baby boy. They removed about 2 pints of water from her adominal. I also developed back pain. If someone has input into my current situation I would be glad to entertain suggestions. Hearing the symptoms, he ventured a hopeful guess towards gallbladder. Have gained many valuable friendship thru these also. So close it lies, that when my sight is clear. In August 2007 I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer stage 1B and had a total hysterectomy. They opened me from my breast bone down so they could see if they could see anymore cancer. My son and husband rushed me to the emergency room once again. She had some trouble with the drugs, some reactions and poor blood numbers caused delays. He then sent me to an oncologist and he said I needed to have 6 doses of Taxol and Carboplatin and started the following week, once every 3 weeks. In June 2007 during my routine six month check-up I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and had a subsequent complete hysterectomy. She felt it and have advised that I should get a sonogram. So I went to my local GP who said that I was suffering from stress and wanted to put me on an antidepressants. I want to live a long and productive life. He is going to reduce it as my hands and feet are very numb. As I get ready to sign off, I want all of you who have ovarian cancer or may be touched by this disease either through a friend or loved one, you are forever in my prayers. When the gynecologist finally came down, she looked worried. One day before her death, two very big boils with untolerable sever pain appear on her buttock and one boil appeared on her forehead a couple of hours before she died. She had another attack in January which forced her to go to the doctor. I had pills for nausea and was never sick - just very tired and lost my hair, which for me was very difficult. All I worry about now is my weight, because I am heavy and have type II diabetes. We saw an ovarian cancer specialist who was an ovarian cancer survivor herself. I am approaching my two year anniversary of my dianosis this week. A week later, I return to my doctor, for the results of all the test that had been done. My mother was diaognoised with stage 4 ovarian cancer in 1993. of water an hour and a half before your appointment. She lived she said she just wanted to see me go to school and. He agreed with my 1st oncologist that I did not look sick and do not have any symptons. Being told I would need to have chemo was a major disappointment, as I hoped my cancer had been caught early enough that I could bypass this. He tells me they had found something on my left ovary but was not sure if it was only a cyst. Since I first posted my story in Jan 2008 I have been confirmed with HNPCC. And so for me there is no sting to death. I already felt the wait of that bear easing off my back. My tumor marker continued to drop, 37, then to 26. I was a little bloated and tired, but I thought it was irritable bowel and summer heat making me tired. I thank God everyday that I was spared the worst. Good Luck and keep up your spirit with good thoughts. Update to story need to slow down a lot of words misspelled or left out. Now was the turn for me, and my whole family tree. He prescribed 8 sessions of chemotherapy, carboplatin and taxol, to be followed by surgical removal of my ovaries, omentum, cervix, and appendix. No one in my family is or probably ever will be. Oh, by the way my CA-125 is down to 19, which is its all time low during treatment. she gave her notice for her part time job as our church choir director and went through the summer. His cancer is also called mucinosis peritoneal cancer of the appendix. I pray that I can have a good life in spite of this, and that I may live long enough to see my fourteen-year-old daughter grow up. I started becoming bloated and gaining weight for no reason. Doc told me it was not and emergency that I could not walk and told me not to come back to his er. I was told that I had stage I ovarian cancer by my gyn. Before she died, she gave each of us a bit of her wisdom and encouragement. My dad came into my new home, as I thought we were going to start painting. They told her that nothing was wrong and to relax. You learn to be thankful for the smallest things. I managed to have fun the next day at the tailgating party, thanks to the ibuprofen. March 2009 My Dad helped me decide on more treatment. For those of you just starting this journey, I want to offer words of encouragement. She was hospitalized for days after her second round and at this point she was ready to call it off and give up. I dont think I have ever cried so much in my life then I did that day. When she was 41 she had started having pains in her lower side. We had to wait for the results from pathology and my mom was out of the hospital by Saturday, June 19, 2004, leaving the hospital with a soccer ball signed by all of her visitors and a large vertical incision from a few inches above her bellybutton down to her pubic bone. My story begins like that of so many other women I have met with ovarian cancer. The next morning she was asking when she could walk and when she could eat. I knew before the air quality tests from my bathroom sink and the front hallway of that building came back that it was Stachybotrys mold. Ruth was slim, vibrant and active at age 60. I faithfully made my yearly visits to the Gyn. So I went home Friday, and promptly had my husband running to the store for Tums or anything that would help. I had sharp pains in abdomen, to describe now felt like small fireworks exploding in stomach, not real painful but bothersome. After two rounds her numbers where steadily rising. Fast forward 4 years and 40 lbs and I began to feel unwell. I felt lost in depression because of the fact that she was gone. They have said her ovaries and uterus are bulky but tumors have been found and her lymph nodes are slightly swollen in her back. I was awake enough to ask him questions and if i was ok. Pippitt, was sent by God, because I was scared that day when he came in my room. My sister had a second cancer, stage 1 in the other breast in July 2007 and is currently getting radiation treatments. She was admitted to E. But not just any cancer. Thinking it was my stomach, went to an internist, and she ordered a CT. Her normal doctor told her that she needed to make an appointment with her OBGYN right away- this scared my mother. She was stage IV cancer and it has spread to her liver. came in and said that there might have been a little bit of lymph node enlargement and wanted me to get in and see my family dr within the next couple of weeks. I live in Canberra,Australia at 89 Owen Dixon Drive, EVATT A. Plus she is the type of person who feels like she was a burden on us. She was officially diagnosed with ovarian cancer a month before she passed (which was September 2, 2006). He finally ordered a laparoscopy be done and they found my cancer. I work out all the time and the cancer has not stopped me from doing that or any thing else for that matter. After several tests, the ER doctor told me I had Ovarian Cancer and he had called a specialist in to come and meet with me about what to do. The second opinion was that it was highly likely that she had ovarian cancer. She was neurtopenic as her cell counts had dropped so low so she was in isolation and was admitted to the hospital. So he was sheduled for surgery in Richmond. When I explained my pain to her, she felt my right side and told me she thought it was my ovary. I knew in my heart that no matter what happened, God would take care of me. I could deal with having chemo, being alone, being bald. I continued to ignore it and just hoped it would go away. Woman loses 145 pounds with these 5 simple steps. It was determined the leak was coming from my bathroom. I would want to spend as much time as possible with my husband, son, and daughter. The only benefit of Lynch Syndrome is that it has a higher cure rate and longer time between recurrences, in general. I got chemo again 21 days after the first time. The next morning I got my stomach tapped. Wondering would it have been different if surgery were sooner. After the 4th chemo her CA125 back to normal range and no tumor or ascites was detected by ultrasound. unbelievable. The last visit to the doctor my CA125 had went down again, now to 22. Since I wanted to try to get pregnant after the marathon in March, I asked that he do an exploratory laparoscopy to get a definitive diagnosis. Pet Scan showed one lymph node in groin was positive. She explained that my mass was over 16 centimeters wide and she was 99% sure it was malignant. After that, CT was performed and was shown that the tumor was dissolved and now waiting further. 2005. She fought with all her might for the next 14 months doing everything the doctors asked her to do. I asked if there could be something under the bowel, around the bowel. WOW 23 years old some people say. When I went back to work in October, I was still going through chemo. I continued chemo but it was ravishing my body. When the prescription for the Zantac ran out, I was still experiencing indigestion and gas. I was glad when I finished chemo, it was hard going in and out of the hospital. He comforted her and told her to go with them if they wanted her to go. I have two other children but I tell you now that his birth was a precious moment for more reasons than one. ) said if his wife was going for (treatment) this is who he would send her to. She told me I had Ovarian Cancer stage 4 and Ascites. As January approached her breathing had become more and more labored, she went back to the pulmonologist and back to her PCP. I own a Beauty Shop and the holidays were arriving. She gave her complete attention to you when you were with her. I tell you this story with tears in my eyes. Since the last post she has tried several diffrent types of chemo at the CTCA. 25, 2012 and now it is time for another scan. Today she found out her tumor count is down from 73 to 64, she had a ct scan and still some residual is there but other than that she is in perfect shape and on the road to remission. His thought was my body just went whacky and BC pills would fix it. Anyone who would like to e-mail me please feel free. As selfish and childish that I know that is, she had been there for every major event in my life and I would so miss her not being by my side to welcome this blessing. I was devastated to read on the Internet that these type of cysts could be the genesis of an ovarian cancer and had to be further evaluated. My hair is growing back now, and I love having eyelashes and eyebrows again. She stayed in intensive care for 3 days then went to a regular room where we were told that her cancer was stage IV. This is a woman whom 8 yrs prior had a kidney transplant. I thought I had better go to the Doctor and get it checked out. I insisted maybe cancer, since my sister had vaginal cancer, and first cousin had vaginal cancer too. For sometime she threw these symptoms to the back of her mind and would tell us she would get better, that it was just a virus. Asthma. We started taking her to the hospital to have her abdomen drained of fluid every couple weeks. Most of the night was spent worrying about my baby, and as the spotting continued, I headed to the hospital. He cut her vertically about 12 to 16 inches long. I also had scoliosis, and I wore a brace to correct the scoliosis, but the brace was turning on me so, we went to the doctors and they did a Cat scan and they found ovarian cancer. That hopeless, and scared little girl who wants her mom. I acquired loss of hearing from the chemo. The scar from the hysterectomy still remains, along with the port scar in my chest. 5 months I have been having some health problems that I have been trying to get help for and my gny-obs is down playing it all as my hormones must be messed up. Tell us what you would give up for 10 days. Since she is 82 and this winter was brutal, the trip into NYC was more debilitating than the Chimo. He told me my ovaries was fully covered with cancer. Just focus and do what you need to do, through determination and self-awareness. I brushed my teeth, washed up, got dressed as quick as I could. My mom called her gynecologist and made an appointment for June 8, 2004 as this was the soonest they could her in, even though this was about a month and a half away. Throughout the first six months of this ordeal, people everywhere had rallied around my family to pray for the healing of my mother. I had a small tumor on my left ovary. My doctor said that on a scale of 1-10, I was a 12. Remainder of my message (I accidentally hit send, I suppose). It came back saying I had a 15 cm tumor on my left ovary, I was then referred to a gynecologist. I have my whole life ahead of me. I decided to take a break from the chemo due to the fact I was feeling great. On august 6, 2002 I was to start my first day of treatment, but something else was more important, my first day of high school. He still to this day reminds me to stay strong. Throughout the fall of 2004, these symptoms continued to get worse and worse. I went to the emergency room and after an ultrasound I was told to see my gyno. Well like I said before, BAM the words that would change my life forever. They told us to expect it to be diagnosed at a late stage (III or IV). I was ecstatic to read the story of a 6 year survival story. She introduced me to my surgeon, my brilliant Mr. If my mother could undergo chemo, who was I to be a weakling. After I found out, they had planned surgery for me. I sought a second opinion and got a very different suggestion - a laparoscopic removal of my ovaries and Fallopian tubes. I had seen my GP on Thursday the 6th of April and she had tried to get me booked in for a CT scan. In December 2009 I had my second PET scan. These findings are suggestive of small vascular lesion like haemangioma. So this news was completely out of left field. I had debulking surgery (9 days in hosp. While they had me open, they did washings for cells and found NO cancer cells anywhere. And here it is exactly a year since my diagnoses and I am cancer free and living life. Some doctors studying the phenomenon have found stunning consistencies. I beg you father hear my prayers and answer one more time. By the grace of God, my Mom is blessed with 2 awesome sisters. They diagnosed me with appendicitis and sent me to the emergency room. Enjoy holiday parties while sticking to your diet with our healthy holiday eating tips to prevent. We talked about chemo and whether or not she could handle it. He listened to her lungs, because I had said she is having a little shortness of breath. When I was first diagnosed with cancer my CA125 was over 900. He told me to call him back and let him know the next week what she wanted to do. He answered 22 years I have clung to those words since Six months of cheomo up in Jan 2009. She sat in a chair next to her bed and I gave her a bath. Debulking was a good option and if so install a port in her abdomen for intra-peritoneal application of chemo. Now I have staples in lung, screws in abdomen. My mom could not believe her ears, she had a hysterectomy 30 years ago. I was released after being in the hospital for 10 days. Around that time, I also noticed pain in my right thigh. I have endured over 30 treatments of chemotherapy and came to the conclusion, along with my wonderful doctor, that it was time to stop treatment. Soon after that the babies heart rate dropped and I was rushed to an emergency c-section. And how was i gonna be able to take care of them sick. Still the twinging side pain. Hiking. Though I am younger and could be stronger, the truth is I am such a coward compared to her. This was the mass - mom did not share this with me but daughter knows she is very sick and dying. We do not look back at what we could have had, but what we are able to enjoy whenever God calls her home. k. Anyone know of anything new out there for clear cell OVCA. Well now I am in remission and doing very good as you can see from the beginning of my story. fade away. I take my dog walking around the property and exercise. On Febuary 21st my mother was scheduled to see Dr. In Nov 2007 Mom had to be hospitalized with severe abdominal pain. I did that and they thought it was a cyst on my ovaiary or diviticulitis. The following morning the Hospice nurse arrived and told us they had a bed for her. I shared my fears about going through chemotherapy and end-of-life pain. Additional tools to detect and fight this cancer are so desperately needed. At the time of her diagnosis, I had NEVER heard of Ovarian Cancer. Menopause would have been severe to my body and mind. These lesions are same in size and appearance compared to previous CT Scan of Oct. 2005 and I had to have 8 sessions of carbo\taxol which I finally finished in Aug. I never thought I would face something like this. I feel like they are the reason the cancer is too small to detected. To find the loved ones waiting on the shore. This is a treatment for this type of cancer where they heat several types of chemo to a high temp. that was some scary already. So surgery was put off. We moved to Atlanta and Karan returned to the care of her original Dr. In November of 2009 my Ca 125 gradually started rising. I go in and get the bloodwork done, pee in the cup and go sit back down. you. The symptoms are vague and common (bloating, fatigue etc. The next day her Ob-Oncologist surgeon debulked her. We were all elated and I was put on a schedule of seeing one doctor, then I would see the other doctor, then I would skip a month, etc. I just want to tell other patients that ovarian cancer can be scary but there can be long periods of time when life can be very good in between occurances. My CA-125 was On May 20th I was sitting and I took an unnatural double breath. After arriving and trying to explain the pain I was having in my left side which radiated down my pelvic area and lower back to my nicely padded seat. I had many friends at one stage but when they found out about my cancer they dwindled away, but I have made new ones and they have been wonderful. Not that would have made too much of a difference. So I laid on the floor for about a month not able to lift my upper body up. I screamed. She ate a good plate full of food on July 1st at a picnic. At that time, I started having problems with my period, fatigue, bloating etc. However, when I got diagnosed in July 2005 with endometrial, ovarian and bladder cancer, I did what everyone does: I fell apart. He was looking at the results on the lighted screen when I came out from getting dressed and before he could shut the light off, I saw a large round spot on the right side and believe me it was noticeable. called they wanted her to come in for the results. NICU babies dressed as holiday gifts help families celebrate the season. She is having a great deal of problems with the colostomy which the surgeon said can be reversed after the chemo. Then I went to the county doc and he threw me a single dose of celebrex, funny guy. She had everything to live for but would not fight- at all. Marshall. Because of that a cervical conical biopsy was scheduled. At the age of 34 she had a complete hysterectomy, with 8 harsh treatments of chemo to follow. ) So the doctor comes in and I tell him my symptoms and he thinks that I have kidney stones. And my darling husband is an angel of caring. When I went to see the doctor on Monday, it was supposedly for a bladder infection, but I did mention that I had a knot on my side. I read names, familiar names, some of whom have regrettably passed, and some who are hanging in there. When my (gyn) doctor invited me into his office for consultation, nothing in my wildest dreams prepared me for his referral to an oncologist. A CA-125 blood test was drawn and a week later I was informed that the test results were elevated in the 900 range. For time is all im asking for, just an extra day. On my 28th birthday, I found out I was pregnant with my third child. We had lost my father in 96 and I was primarily her caregiver since he died. Do not ignore aches and pains, bloating, unexplained weight gain, gas, inability to eat much at a time, going to the bathroom constantly, and low backaches. The swelling got worse, she stopped being able to wear shoes or want to go anywhere. I missed a lot of school during my teen years. This is the first time I have visited a cancer site on line. The doctor explained what options I had depending on whether it was cancer and if it spread and at what stage it was. Pap and mammogram were good along wth the usual tests. It was stage 4, but the strange thing was that my ovaries were normal. We have since found out it is in her lymph nodes, chest, lung and spleen. i. She was quite swollen and bloated looking and the amount of pain she was in was increasing greatly. She had been in the hospital for two weeks several months prior. He explained that my tumor markers were above 1900 with the normal range between 0-30. She gave me an stomach x-ray and sent me right to the hospital for a CT scan. Recovery has been good and I am being followed up closely. My mother was diagnosed with ENDOMETROID CARCINOMA GRADE 111-C. I gained more weight and felt even worse. I am 30 but feel like a lost little girl. I realize not my chapter in life no one could ever take. Reiki, guided imagery, tai chi, music and art therapy. She died at home a less than a week later. My husband and I live in Brady, TX, a small town with a population of 6000. The ultrasound report said that it could be either coming from the ovary or the uterus, so an MRI was ordered. I am on carboplatin and taxol, and since my body is responding so well she plans to keep me on it for three more rounds, and then to a CT scan and see if secondary surgery will be needed. there are little signs our bodies are telling us that something is not right. The only explanation the doctor can give is that a few ovarian cells must have split off prior to or during the hysterectomy. She was xrayed several times and sent to a pulmonologist for a diagnosis. 25 that my CA125 is up and I am to start tamoxifen tomorrow. He was insulted that she was seeking another opinion. Her CA-125 came back at 475, which the doctor said was consistent with a malignancy. I was lucked out I guess, my nauses was kept to a minimum with steroids although I mostly ate salads. A few weeks after my period I started having spotting and at the end of July I started having bloating (looked like I was 5 months) and pain for 2 days. Because I was lucky enough to be stage 1 both times I did not have chemo. She went back to the hospital about 2-3 weeks later for a follow-up and it turned out there were cancer cells on the outside of her right ovary. In desperation I changed doctors and was immediately sent to a consultant and within four weeks had an operation to remove the much enlarged uterus, my ovaries, and a tumor. Over the next 6 years of my life we did EVERYTHING. tumor that was malignant, but it had not spread. At the time he did not tell me he felt anything. jbx Click here for Part Two. I feel knowledge is power against this beast. I got her comfortable and went into my room and turned up the baby monitor so I could hear her just in case. He then sat down, and told me that there was another problem. His appendix had ruptured and their was only the outside core of it left. After getting out of the hospital and recovering from the ordeal she had been through, she began her chemotherapy again and received a clean bill of health at the beginning of January. CT showed two large bilateral masses on each ovary. I do have friends that offer their support, and I am glad for them. If anyone has any questions at all there is nothing that I will not answer. for whatever you have written my belief in you is strong. When Jamie Lanigan realized she needed to lose weight, she had no idea her new job would help. In September 2006 I had a six hour surgery. I showed up at the infusion clinic dressed with make up on, a packed lunch and inspirational reading. Surgery is not an option because of the Paxel and aspirin she is taking for the stint in her heart. I was proned to passing out and three times woke up and found myself slumped on the floor. May God bless you and give you the strength you need on this journey. Later, the tumor ruptured as it was being surgically removed. My heart breaks for those we have lost along the way. I am 61 years old and I have Well-Differentiated, (which I have learned means it is a slow growing cancer at this point in time). They were going to give her a mediport under her rib cage that would shoot the chemo directly onto the tumors. My second opinion doctor still must look at the sonograms and MRI before her final opinion, which she should be giving me this week (first week of 2014). We were all elated and I was put on a schedule of seeing one doctor, then I would see the other doctor, then I would skip a month,etc. My CA125 went down to 734 after my 3rd cycle. She then ordered a PET scan, this is where the warning bells really went off. The Gyn told me I had high levels of estrogen. In hindsight, she had most of the symptoms of ovarian cancer for several months. I was put in the hospital immediately and was unable to go to my moms funeral. When I was 14, my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Even my oncologist was shocked when the pathology came back (it was sent out to Johns Hopkins) as stage 3 micro papillary serous carcinoma. As a family, we enjoyed many walking trips, but one will always remain in my mind. The football game was exciting, although the icy cold bleachers seemed to send a chill right up my buttocks into my back. So, my heart goes out to any of you, especially the very young, who have lost your mother. I was hospitalized in March 04 with a severe infection. I started having lower pelvic pain as soon as I moved into that building. During the entire cancer process, mom was alert but mom did not eat one bit of food from day one until she died. As soon as she answered the door I told her to call emergency I had to got to the hospital,and that there was blood in my urine. Eventually, after years of complaining of heavy bleeding and cramps, I had a laparoscopy and was diagnosed with endometriosis, and I also had a fibroid. In June, my son had an emegency appendicitis. It showed 3 cysts, 2 lime size cysts on right side and a lemon size cyst on the left. Pippitt for everything they have done for me. Tolerated chemo went pretty well, after the 3rd cycle, I was given Emend which was a wonder drug for the nausea and vomiting. I feel very alone even though I have a great family who loves and supports me. While we were in the waiting room, I was told that my doctor wanted to see me right away. I was scared because my Dad had died from stomach cancer and I was also frustrated. Now she orders a CA-125 test to test for cancer. What she saw was a middle aged woman screaming from pain. Since my year bout with ovarian cancer, I have gone through it with 2 close friends and we are all three alive and well. She was admitted to E. Never seeming to find the time to go see my doctor. The chemo that she was on for the first year her body started rejecting it. I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in March of 2010, just 4 days short of my 50th birthday. To all who are suffering, you are not alone, so many suffer with you. I would like to find some friends with similar situation just to speak to them sometimes. I had a complete hysterectomy and some debulking. On Oct 17, 2006, I was declared cancer free. I said I already knew what I was going to do and my husband said he thought we should discuss it first, like there is anything to discusss. Surgery and chemo does not seem to be a good option. I still did what I do now but go to regular school. Her first round of Chemo she ended up in the hospital with blood clots in both her lungs,she spent a week in the hospital,she had another round of chemo. She transferred the administration of the Chemo closer to home. Something I thought was wrong as it wasnt from the diet. I spoke to her in late September following a class I had at a local community college where I learned about the symptoms of ovarian cancer. A CT followed and the next day I was told I had peritoneal carcinoma. Anyhow, couple of weeks later I went back said that something was not right, even though I was not experiencing any pain whatsoever, I knew something was not quite right. (The only reason I got to get a catscan is because I was in a life threatening situation. Anyway, there is light at the end of the tunnel for those of you going through the initial diagnosis, the surgery, the treatment, the recovery--it does all get better. I took care of my kids, went out with friends, even traveled to visit family. I was in the hospital in labor with my son, my husband left and met her, my father, and brothers at the oncologist office. I saw her pillow out of place and went to check on her and realized she had passed. My right ovary had a tennis ball size cyst on it. My husband, Jon and my friend Lisa were insistent on my going to the emergency room. I had my stomach tapped the week after I got home. After the initial shock, she became extremely focused on fighting this miserable disease. I was taken to an osteopathic doctor for my first internal examination, and he put me on birth control pills to take care of the cramps. All my doctors feel that this cancer will kill me as they do not know what, if any, chemotherapy they can try as no scientific studies have been done on this form of cancer. My sister-in-law over to help and we got her settled and comfortable. She was put through all the tests and it showed ovarian cancer. Her Gyn still was reluctant to believe that and insisted it was only a pelvic infection. An oncologist was called and he told me that my cancer was ovarian stage 4 and that most women diagnosed have about 6 months to live. She used her rolling teacher chair as a walker to get around the classroom. She also kept up on drinking energy drinks to help her stay alert. I will be bald within a couple of days, I guess the nurse was right. (My mother died at age 34). 8 2008. He told me I would need chemo, surgery, and more chemo. But she did have ovarian cysts and problems with her periods. They think that it because of my own fault when really I am allergic to the anaesthetic. Complete remission until June 2004 Ca125 began rising. In the mean time she was not to talk to him but to us. My name is Debra and I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer September 21, 2005. He had done 400 of these surgeries at the Cancer Center in Salem NC. She had one round of carbo and we will return April 23 for more treatments. Hours before her death something I read on a forum like this actually helped me to deal with those last moments and I appreciate the honesty and frankness of that poster. For some reason my body seemed to respond to it really well last year. All her motor skills were shot even swallowing. So for all you young women that are 35 and older please check yourselves. One day before her death, two very big boils with untolerable sever pain appear on her buttock and one boil appeared on her forehead a couple of hours before she died. Like me, you may find someone who is okay not having children or you can always adopt. I immediately picked up the phone and called her. While travelling, I experienced terrible constipation, tiredness, bloating and swollen legs. Reality of what maybe: Ovarian Cancer as a teen The pain woke me up. Congestive Heart Failure. Now my cancer is growing and I cannot have any more chemo. within six hours I was on the operating table. And now she was living in Fulton, Kentucky and working in Paducah Lourdes Hospital as a medical transcriber. The cancer had spread to her bowel and other areas. First of all let me tell you about myself then my story. I spend my time spoiling all my nieces and nephews. I felt great, had gotten all my energy back, was doing wonderful UNTIL. The doctor came in and told me I had stage IIIA ovarian cancer. Yes 23. I want to know what I can do as soon as I can. You showed me in my dreams my lord and this is what you have showed. He said that he hated to inform us that the cancer was literally everywhere. it was rebound pain, like I had felt before, when I had my appendix out a few years ago. When I needed a virtual hug or some hand holding you have always been there. The radiation treatment had a good effect but I can only have so much radiation without that killing me. It seems there really is no clear way to go to me. We decided to do a total hysterectomy, given my age, which. So now, I am healing again and my energy is coming back. I was due to deliver on March 3, but the plan had to be changed cause he was tachycardiac, I would be delivering February 22. This worked for awhile but no longer does, so I am off it. Remember we are the fingers that bind together to form that fist that will begin to beat cancer. 5 cm) had metastasized to my colon, my uterus, and my omentum. When we arrived at the motel, I just wanted to have a cup of hot tea because I was having some cramping and felt bloated. In the meantime her cancer appeared in her lymph nodes in her neck and upper chest area. To uncover the family medical history and complete the preliminary questionnaire I made many, many phone calls and had long over due conversations with aunts, uncles, great-aunts and uncles, cousins, and once or twice-removed cousins. After she spoke to all 3 kids (including myself) and my dad, something changed her mind and now she is ready for a battle. She told me that her loved ones where there and trying to take her. As she was watching television she had seen a commercial for the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. She even thought that was funny. I now only have one ovary and one fallopian tube. On September 25, 2007 we were told that her cancer was inoperable at this time and that chemotherapy was her best bet. The 4 germiest spots in your office and how often to clean them. She had cancer cells in the lining of her lungs which had spread from her abdomen, primarily her ovaries. P. I went to the doctors in early March after experiencing back pain, bloating and getting a period after a year. With incredible foresight, my doctors had the IP port inserted new, each time, thus avoiding the complications many in the recent test group encountered. Finally my roomie kept calling different mri and finally one of them were sweet enough to give me an mri even if my insurance would not pay (God bless them). She was tested just about everyday for just about everything from the time she was admitted to when she got out 2-3 months later. For several months prior to her diagnosis, Monica complained to me about some vague discomfort that she had and figured that she had either an ulcer or a problem with her gall bladder. People from around the world prayed for me. Helping Others Patiently Endure, a Christian Cancer Support Group 49 Walnut Blvd. he did all the debulking and performed the HIP chemo, which by the way takes 9 hours in all. If I remained pregnant after the surgery, my child could have ended up with many serious problems. Women from my support group have also passed on. She was diagnosed in October 2002. Will not have to have a general anesthetic, but will be put out for a while. Needless to say, this was not what she wanted to here, but I got her into the car and off we went. She felt good that day, laughed and enj