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Jenny craig weight loss success stories australia
Stakeholders must sometimes take action in the absence of strong scientific evidence. , M. Findings in three studies that focused on expanded time in physical education 12 indicated that even though there was an increase in the number of days children attended physical-education classes, the effects on body-mass index (BMI) were inconsistent across sexes and age groups. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health. e. Food provision as a strategy to promote weight loss. org. However, when no other behavioral changes accompany increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, weight gain may occur or there may be no change in weight. , E. Economos. The genetics of obesity: what have genetic studies told us about the environment. Vigneri, L. g. , we describe the best evidence. Louis Bridges for their suggestions on an earlier version of the manuscript. There are things we do know with reasonable confidence. Regardless of the urgency of public health issues, scientific principles remain unchanged. The next four facts are more prescriptive, offering tools that can be conveyed to the public as well established. C. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. When standards for evidence are considered, it is critical to distinguish between drawing conclusions from scientific evidence and making decisions about prudent actions. P. Randomized, controlled trials do not support this presumption. Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at NEJM. However, as a scientific community, we must always be open and honest with the public about the state of our knowledge and should rigorously evaluate unproved strategies. Myths We review seven myths about obesity, along with the refuting evidence. Energy balance and its components: implications for body weight regulation. , Gareth Dutton, Ph. Michael Foster, Ph. Results We identified seven obesity-related myths concerning the effects of small sustained increases in energy intake or expenditure, establishment of realistic goals for weight loss, rapid weight loss, weight-loss readiness, physical-education classes, breast-feeding, and energy expended during sexual activity. g. Tumminia, R. 15 Casazza K, Fernandez JR, Allison DB. Importance of Physical Education Myth number 5: Physical-education classes, in their current form, play an important role in reducing or preventing childhood obesity. Wilson. Despite enormous efforts promoting these ideas, research often seems mired in the accrual of observational data. Implications Myths and presumptions about obesity are common. 5 kcal per minute (210 kcal per hour) during a stimulation and orgasm session. Learn about two convenient ways Jenny Craig can fit your lifestyle. Metabolic equivalents (METS) in exercise testing, exercise prescription, and evaluation of functional capacity. London: Souvenir Press, 2007. Value of Breakfast Presumption number 1: Regularly eating (versus skipping) breakfast is protective against obesity. Predicting metabolic adaptation, body weight change, and energy intake in humans. However, the fact that the appropriateness of inferring causality holds only under certain circumstances is sometimes discounted by those who are eager to garner support for a proposal in the absence of strong data from randomized studies. D. Therefore, the presented data are rife with circumstantial evidence, and people are not informed that the existing evidence is not compelling (e. Effect of school based physical activity programme (KISS) on fitness and adiposity in primary schoolchildren: cluster randomised controlled trial. Obesity in 2010: the future of obesity medicine: where do we go from here. Rate of Weight Loss Myth number 3: Large, rapid weight loss is associated with poorer long-term weight-loss outcomes, as compared with slow, gradual weight loss. , the value of realistic weight-loss goals). van Trijp. Proponents of other unsupported ideas fail to consider that people burn some amount of energy even without engaging in the activity in question (e. C. Yet this principle of action should not be mistaken as justification for drawing conclusions. A simple model predicting individual weight change in humans. The role of breakfast in the treatment of obesity: a randomized clinical trial. Table 3 Table 3 Facts about Obesity. We also examined facts that are well supported by evidence, with an emphasis on those that have practical implications for public health, policy, or clinical recommendations. Giving debiasing away: can psychological research on correcting cognitive errors promote human welfare. The energy expenditure of sexual intercourse can be estimated by taking the product of activity intensity in metabolic equivalents (METs), 18 the body weight in kilograms, and time spent. The explanation may be simple — people voluntarily choosing to enter weight-loss programs are, by definition, at least minimally ready to engage in the behaviors required to lose weight. Methods Using Internet searches of popular media and scientific literature, we identified, reviewed, and classified obesity-related myths and presumptions. Family involvement in weight control, weight maintenance and weight-loss interventions: a systematic review of randomised trials. (2016) Homeostatic responses to palatable food consumption in satiated rats. Connect with your personal consultant at least once weekly. Langley-Evans, M. Knowing and Not Knowing Why do we think or claim we know things that we actually do not know. References to published studies are used sparingly herein, with a more comprehensive listing provided in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at NEJM. , Nefertiti Durant, M. Studies of animal models do not support this epidemiologic association. Media in This Article Table 1 Seven Myths about Obesity. Fortunately, the scientific method and logical thinking offer ways to detect erroneous statements, acknowledge our uncertainty, and increase our knowledge. We must recognize that evidence that a technique is beneficial for the treatment of obesity is not necessarily evidence that it will be helpful in population-based approaches to the prevention of obesity, and vice versa. Vingerhoeds, Milou Vrijhof, Hans C. The promulgation of unsupported beliefs may yield poorly informed policy decisions, inaccurate clinical and public health recommendations, and an unproductive allocation of research resources and may divert attention away from useful, evidence-based information. org. Sexual Activity and Energy Expenditure Myth number 7: A bout of sexual activity burns 100 to 300 kcal for each participant. Evidence of the long-term effects of breastfeeding: systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Article Activity 148 articles have cited this article Article Passionate interests, the human tendency to seek explanations for observed phenomena, and everyday experience appear to contribute to strong convictions about obesity, despite the absence of supporting data. Modest protective effects of breast-feeding on obesity: is the evidence truly supportive. Bohan Brown, Ph. In addition, interested parties do not regularly request the results from randomized, long-term studies that measure weight or adiposity as an outcome. Instead of attempting to comprehensively describe all the data peripherally related to each of the six presumptions shown in Table 2 Table 2 Presumptions about Obesity. While we work to generate additional useful knowledge, we may in some cases justifiably move forward with hypothesized, but not proved, strategies. e. (2016) Influence of early-life and parental factors on childhood overweight and obesity. Avery, S. Given that the average bout of sexual activity lasts about 6 minutes, 19 a man in his early-to-mid-30s might expend approximately 21 kcal during sexual intercourse. 13 There is almost certainly a level of physical activity (a specific combination of frequency, intensity, and duration) that would be effective in reducing or preventing obesity. (2016) Breakfast barriers and opportunities for children living in a Dutch disadvantaged neighbourhood. The myths and presumptions about obesity that we have discussed are just a sampling of the numerous unsupported beliefs held by many people, including academics, regulators, and journalists, as well as the general public. It is true that the consumption of fruits and vegetables has health benefits. Elements of logic. Although existing data indicate that breast-feeding does not have important antiobesity effects in children, it has other important potential benefits for the infant and mother and should therefore be encouraged. g. D. Squatrito, R. Intentional weight loss reduces mortality rate in a rodent model of dietary obesity. Built Environment and Obesity Presumption number 6: The built environment, in terms of sidewalk and park availability, influences the incidence or prevalence of obesity. , eating breakfast daily or increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables as a means of reducing weight). New members only. diet-only interventions for weight loss: a meta-analysis. Moreover, we often settle for data generated with the use of inadequate methods in situations in which inferentially stronger study designs, including quasi-experiments and true randomized experiments, are possible, as recently illustrated (see the Supplementary Appendix ).

g. We thank Drs. Although observational epidemiologic studies show that weight instability or cycling is associated with increased mortality, such findings are probably due to confounding by health status. Lessons from obesity management programmes: greater initial weight loss improves long-term maintenance. D. Long-term effectiveness of diet-plus-exercise interventions vs. Offer valid at participating centers, Jenny Craig Anywhere and jennycraig. Weight loss goals and treatment outcomes among overweight men and women enrolled in a weight loss trial. (2016) Breakfast consumption and adiposity among children and adolescents: an updated review of the literature. In addition, eliminating the distortions of scientific information that sometimes occur with public health advocacy would reduce the propagation of misinformation. What can intervention studies tell us about the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and weight management. , yo-yo dieting) is associated with increased mortality. , increased sexual activity). com. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 29:6, 687-696. g. Of course, he would have spent roughly one third that amount of energy just watching television, so the incremental benefit of one bout of sexual activity with respect to energy expended is plausibly on the order of 14 kcal. Yet there are facts about obesity of which we may be reasonably certain — facts that are useful today. Baratta, S. Table 1 Table 1 Seven Myths about Obesity. 24 Even observational studies have not shown a consistent association between snacking and obesity or increased BMI. Furthermore, some suggested treatment or prevention strategies may work well (e. La Spina, L. Why hypotheses informed by observation are often wrong: results of randomized controlled trials challenge chronic disease management strategies based on epidemiological evidence. The impact of extended care on the long-term maintenance of weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Conclusions False and scientifically unsupported beliefs about obesity are pervasive in both scientific literature and the popular press. This article was updated on June 6, 2013, at NEJM. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. School-based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. London: Longman, Greens, 1875. Presumptions Just as it is important to recognize that some widely held beliefs are myths so that we may move beyond them, it is important to recognize presumptions, which are widely accepted beliefs that have neither been proved nor disproved, so that we may move forward to collect solid data to support or refute them. The association between rate of initial weight loss and long-term success in obesity treatment: does slow and steady win the race. What is the relationship between exercise and metabolic abnormalities. Djang, C. Romeo, A. 9th ed. CrossRef 12 Catherine Hume, Barbara Jachs, John Menzies. , Steven B. We also identified six presumptions about the purported effects of regularly eating breakfast, early childhood experiences, eating fruits and vegetables, weight cycling, snacking, and the built (i. The first two facts help establish a framework in which intervention and preventive techniques may work. The last three facts are suited to clinical settings. org. Small Sustained Changes in Energy Intake or Expenditure Myth number 1: Small sustained changes in energy intake or expenditure will produce large, long-term weight changes. In this article, we review some common beliefs about obesity that are not supported by scientific evidence and also provide some useful evidence-based concepts. Heart rate, rate-pressure product, and oxygen uptake during four sexual activities. g. , human-made) environment. 3rd ed. D. When the public, mass media, government agencies, and even academic scientists espouse unsupported beliefs, the result may be ineffective policy, unhelpful or unsafe clinical and public health recommendations, and an unproductive allocation of resources. 40 Whately R. , increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables) but only as part of a multifaceted program for weight reduction. Anzman-Frasca, H. Finally, we identified nine evidence-supported facts that are relevant for the formulation of sound public health, policy, or clinical recommendations. H. For example, a man weighing 154 lb (70 kg) would, at 3 METs, expend approximately 3. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. 39 Kahneman D. M. Setting Realistic Weight-Loss Goals Myth number 2: Setting realistic goals for weight loss is important, because otherwise patients will become frustrated and lose less weight. Several presumptions appear to be testable, and some of them (e. According to a systematic review, virtually all studies showing associations between the risk of obesity and components of the built environment (e. lists nine such facts and their practical implications for public health, policy, or clinical recommendations. 5 y: evidence from a large, randomized trial. CrossRef 10 Angelica Quatela, Robin Callister, Amanda Patterson, Lesley MacDonald-Wicks. 25 Furthermore, these observational studies have not shown consistent associations, so no conclusions can be drawn. Dieting readiness test fails to predict enrollment in a weight loss program. Many of the trials that have been completed or are in progress do not isolate the effect of the presumed influence and the findings are therefore not definitive. , parks, roads, and architecture) have been observational. Effects of prolonged and exclusive breastfeeding on child height, weight, adiposity, and blood pressure at age 6. Frittitta. g. Notably, the circumstances that justify drawing a conclusion of causation from nonexperimental data are rarely met in clinical and public proposals regarding obesity. D. Breast-Feeding and Obesity Myth number 6: Breast-feeding is protective against obesity. , breakfast consumption). 22 Weight Cycling and Mortality Presumption number 4: Weight cycling (i. Two meta-analyses showed that even specialized school-based programs that promoted physical activity were ineffective in reducing BMI or the incidence or prevalence of obesity. Why people believe weird things: pseudoscience, superstition, and other confusions of our time. , effects of eating breakfast daily, eating more fruits and vegetables, and snacking) can be tested with standard study designs. Moreover, we may be swayed by persuasive yet fallacious arguments (Whately provides a classic catalogue 40 ) unless we are prepared to identify them as spurious. In other cases, there is an implicit assumption of overcompensation (e. ) Full Text of Discussion. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. provides anecdotal support that the beliefs are widely held or stated, in addition to reasons that support conjecture. Physical education, as typically provided, has not been shown to reduce or prevent obesity. Facts Our proposal that myths and presumptions be seen for what they are should not be mistaken as a call for nihilism. A computational model to determine energy intake during weight loss. Simon-Friedt, Mark J. Yet such a strategy is often presented as though it will have effects in isolation and even among persons not participating in weight-loss programs. (2016) Diet-induced obesity increases the frequency of. We define myths as beliefs held to be true despite substantial refuting evidence, presumptions as beliefs held to be true for which convincing evidence does not yet confirm or disprove their truth, and facts as propositions backed by sufficient evidence to consider them empirically proved for practical purposes. 23 Snacking and Weight Gain Presumption number 5: Snacking contributes to weight gain and obesity. The relationship between built environments and physical activity: a systematic review. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2007. It is possible to conduct randomized studies of even the most sensitive and invasive obesity procedures, as exemplified by recent articles in the Journal. Lifestyle, diabetes, and cardiovascular risk factors 10 years after bariatric surgery. CrossRef 3 A. Diet Readiness Myth number 4: It is important to assess the stage of change or diet readiness in order to help patients who request weight-loss treatment. CrossRef 15 Alexander Kalinkovich, Gregory Livshits. Similarly, confirmation bias may prevent us from seeking data that might refute propositions we have already intuitively accepted as true because they seem obvious (e. (2016) The Energy Content and Composition of Meals Consumed after an Overnight Fast and Their Effects on Diet Induced Thermogenesis: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analyses and Meta-Regressions.

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